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               22  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 13-38, Autumn 2021
               (Sadr  al-Mute'allihin  Shirazi,             When  our  concepts  are
               2004, V. 3: 358; Ibid, V. 8: 163)            not     material,    their
                  Mulla  Sadra  believes;  when             knower     is   also  not
               a  fetus  is  in  the  womb  has             material. (Ibid: 285)
               vegetal soul and potentiality of          2.  Physical powers of body

               animal soul because it does not              get  tired  after  hard
               have sense and willing movement,             works and can not work
               and  having  possibility  to  get            hard  again;  but  our
               animal soul is differentia of the            intellectual  power  does
               fetus. (Ibid, V. 8: 156)                     not  get  tired  after  hard
                  In this level, the soul is nearer         rational  activities  and  can

               and  closer  to  get  imaginary              understand difficult concepts
               abstraction.  This  soul  is  also           and  conclusions  after
               immaterial  and  does  not  have             thinking  hard.  So,  our
               physical charecteristics. (Ibid: 285)        intellectual power is not
                  Mulla  Sadra  proves  the                 physical  and  material.
               immateriality  of  the  soul  by             (Ibid: 293)
               some arguments:                           3.  The  soul  is  the  knower
                   1.  We     understand     the            of     all    kinds     of

                      general  concepts  and                perceptions and all sense
                      those  concepts  do  not              powers are just the tools
                      have  material  attributes,           of  getting  knowledge.
                      so      these      general            We  know  by  esoteric
                      concepts  are  not  in                knowledge      that    the
                      body.  Otherwise,  they               knower of all perceptions

                      would  be  characterized              is the one and that one is
                      by  material  effects  and            not    body     but     an
                      should     be     divided.            immaterial reality. (Sadr
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