Page 85 - Pure Life 28
P. 85
84 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 65-94, Autumn 2021
and means to end the war. Also, in terms of pragmatics
(Tabatabai, 1997, V. 18: 341) this verse is the conclusion of
According to the Charteris- the previous three verses that
Black criteria for recognizing describe the believer and the
conceptual metaphor, in terms infidel. When the believers are
of linguistic criteria, it is the people of truth, and God
personification; because here gives them those rewards, and
the putting of heavy loads, the disbelievers are the people
which is referred to the living of falsehood, and God neutralizes
thing in other tissues, for and misleads their deeds, then
example the man puts heavy the believers should fight and
loads on the ground, is referred capture them so that the truth
to Harb which is non-living. which is the goal of the
Cognitively, the believers may be revived and
understanding of the abstract the earth may be cleansed of
concept of Harb is based on the the false filth which is the path
experienced situation; It means of the disbelievers. (Tabatabai,
that we have traveled in life 1997, V. 18: 340)
and carried heavy loads with us Only give up when you have
and placed them on the ground; broken the ability to confront
so, we have organized Harb the enemy, and let the fire of
based on travel, that is, to war be extinguished. (Makarem
better understand Harb. Thus Shirazi et al, 1995, Vol. 21: 401)
the source domain of journey In this verse, “war is journey”
has been used to convey the is a conceptual metaphor that
concept of target domain Harb. according to Lakoff and
Johnson's theoretical framework