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               106  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 103-136, Winter 2022
                  Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)                 Reality;  the  ethic  that
               in  his  eminent  book  “The                 places  man's  final  end
               Perennial Philosophy”, captures              in  the  knowledge  of  the
               an  overview  of  the  mystical              immanent and transcendent
               and  metaphysical  world  via                Ground of all being; the
               presenting  and  amalgamating                thing  is  immemorial  and
               literary  extracts  from mystical            universal. Rudiments of the
               traditions.  The  term  was                  perennial philosophy may
               promoted in more recent times                be  found  among  the

               by  Aldous  Huxley.  However,                traditional lore of primitive
               Huxley  himself  believed  that              peoples  in  every  region
               the  “phrase  was  coined  by                of  the  world,  and  in  its
               Leibniz. (Huxley, 1945: 1)                   fully developed forms it
                  According  to  Roy,  Huxley               has a place in every one
               was  deeply  influenced  by                  of  the  higher  religions.
               Vivekanda's  Neo-Vedanta  and                (Huxley, 1945: 1)

               Universalism.  Correspondingly,
               Huxley  maintains  that  the             Thus, as Huxley believes,
               perennial philosophy is: (Roy, 2003)   even  though  the  divine
                      The  metaphysic  that          Reality is equally “immanent
                      recognizes a divine Reality    and transcendent” and could
                      substantial to the world       be  felt  inside  the  world  as

                      of  things  and  lives  and    well  as  outside  of  it,  this
                      minds;  the  psychology        Reality has genuine associations
                      that  finds  in  the  soul     for the way man comprehends
                      something similar to, or       the world, the way he apprehends
                      even  identical  to,  divine   himself, and the way he thinks
                                                     and acts in his life. Based on
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