Page 108 - Pure Life 29
P. 108

Reason, A Barrier or A Bridge… M. Dehghani Firouzabadi and M. Islami / (107

               the  Perennial  Philosophy,           middle  which  is  the  focal
               there  is  infinity  within,  and     point  of  mind  and  matter  in
               it  is  closely  connected  with      human psychology. The lower

               the “infinity beyond”.                gate  belongs  to  “strictly
                  Huxley believes that in order      practical teachers”. The upper
               to  attain  the  divine  reality,     gate  is  devoted  to  “born
               human beings need to choose           philosophers and theologians”.
               certain  conditions  to  fulfill      Finally,  the  middle  gate
               “making  themselves  loving,          belongs  to  the  promoters  of

               pure  in  heart  and  poor  in        what has been called “spiritual
               spirit”. (Huxley, 1945: 2)            religion, the devout contemplatives
                  He claims that only a few          of India, the Sufis of  Islam,
               people  can  attain  this  state.     the  Catholic  mystics  of  the
               Those  who  have  achieved            later Middle Ages”. (Ibid: 7)
               these    states   of    affairs,         Huxley decides to choose
               grasped the universal reality         the middle gate and states that:

               and understood the enlightened               It  is  through  this
               ones. These people are generally             central door, and just
               named  as  saint,  prophet,  or              because  it  is  central,
               sage”. (Ibid: 3)                             that  we  shall  make
                  According  to  Huxley,  to                our  entry  into  the
               study  perennial  philosophy,                subject  matter  of  this

               we can start from the bottom                 book…. Starting from
               which is the gate of practice                this    mid-point     of
               and  morality,  or  the  top                 doctrine, it is easy for
               which is the consideration of                the mind to move in either
               metaphysical  truth  or  in  the             direction. (Ibid: 7)
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