Page 112 - Pure Life 29
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Reason, A Barrier or A Bridge… M. Dehghani Firouzabadi and M. Islami / (111

                      poets and mystics, Kabir              his  theosophical  ideas.
                      and  Rumi.  The  writer               When the Mongol gangs
                      believes that Kabir's poetry          had  caused  chaos  in

                      could  be  considered  as             Asia and societies were
                      a  reproduction  of  his              groping  in  the  obscure
                      philosophy  towards  life.            world     and    striving
                      The  Kabir’s  mystical                painstakingly in search
                      preaching  elevated  the              of realization and truth,
                      oppressed  people.  The               Maulana Rumi foreshowed

                      ideas strengthened them               the  source  of  Sufism.
                      to  be  independent  and              This study is related to
                      fight against all political           the  present  thesis  in  a
                      and  social  inequalities.            sense  that  it  is  a
                      Thus, they formed a new               comparative  study  in
                      culture and universalism              mysticism comparing Rumi
                      founded on oneness and                with  Kabir  regarding

                      unity of ultimate reality,            corporeal  and  spiritual
                      and  union  of  mankind               lifestyle.  However,  the
                      regardless of their ethnic,           selected mystics are both
                      racial, cultural, and linguistic      from  the  east  and
                      differences. On the other             consequently the reader
                      hand,  Rumi  is  one  of              can  get  nothing  of  the

                      the greatest mystical poets           western mystics.
                      throughout  the  world.            ➢  Dehghan  et  al  (2013),
                      He employed his poetic                have  written  an  article
                      talent to spread his spiritual        entitled “Survey on the
                      experiences  as  well  as             Nostalgia for Return to
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