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               150  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 137-156, Winter 2022
               the principles and purposes of           Ways  and  which  we  can
               sexual  education  promoted  by       educate  youngers  about  the
               the  Islamic  religion,  which        topics of sexual education:
               instead accepts Islamic teachings         1.  The most essential thing
               as a belief and a way of life in             is  to  work  to  immunise
               order to raise a morally upright             the  child  from  a  young
               generation.                                  age, both internally and
                                                            spiritually, so that he can
               Methods  of  Dealing  with                   develop an immunity that
               Children  in  Relation  to                   will keep him from being
               Sexual Education                             caught up in various forms

               Contrary  to  popular  beliefs,              of sins. Instead of closing
               Islam  has  made  several  rules             the  child's  eyes  and
               regarding  sexual  education                 constructing barriers around
               topics  due  to  the  fact  it  is  a        him, it is more efficient
               crucial  aspect  of  human  life.            to enlighten and strengthen
               Scholars, guidance counsellors               his  heart  and  intellect
               and even people in our day-to-               from  within.  This  way
               day    life   should     all   be            he  will  no  longer  be

               responsible in educating younger             fearful  of  being  tainted
               audiences  and  answering  any               by  society's  arrogance
               relevant questions. Parents must             and corruption if he has
               also take responsibility for their           self-immunity.
               children's religion, guiding them         2.  Lots of parents in Islamic

               down  the  proper  path  and                 societies  avoid  dealing
               teaching  them  what  pleases                with many important issues,
               and displeases God.                          including  topics  that
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