Page 148 - Pure Life 29
P. 148
Sex Education in … S. Fahs and A. Kanso / (147
the tenth week of pregnancy. removal of restraints and norms
(Berne and Huberman, 1999) furthermore pushing more people
toward obscenity and immorality.
3. USA As a result, one of the most
As part of the Adolescent fundamental causes that adolescences
Family Life Act or AFLA, and young adults in Western
comprehensive sex education countries are suffering from is
and abstinence-only sex education the immense rush to satisfy
are taught in the United States. sexual desires and the moral
Where around 750,000 teenagers collapse of the principles of
become pregnant in the United chastity and modesty.
States every year, however For this reason, school systems
with up to 82% of those have legalised and welcomed
pregnancies being unwanted. long-term national sexuality
Young adults aged 15 to 24 education programs that focus
account for 25% of all new on a specific aspect of the
HIV infections in the United curriculum, such as how to
States and over half of the, properly get rid of a fetus or
over 19 million new STD baby, or how to establish a
infections diagnosed each year sexual relationship free of
in the United States. (Sexuality pregnancy or HIV/AIDS.
Education-Advocates for Youth, 1980) On the other hand, according
It is important to emphasize to studies conducted in several
that the western sexual revolution, European countries, the lessons
which had immediate negative provided to students in order
consequences on society, undermined to enjoy good sexual health in
spiritual, psychological, and their daily lives have resulted in
moral ideals. Leading to the