Page 146 - Pure Life 29
P. 146

Sex Education in … S. Fahs and A. Kanso / (145

                  This  is  further  emphasised      the  educational  process  as  its
               when Imam Ali also states that:       plays  a  significant  role  in
                      “The  eyes  are  Satan’s       shaping the human personality

                      snares”. (Majlisi, 1983,       according to special guidelines
                      Vol. 77: 294)                  and  rules.  For  this  reason,
                                                     following these Islamic teachings
                  The prophet Muhammad also          is  a  blessing,  a  mercy  from

               talks about this when he mentions:    God, further aiding in keeping
                      “Avoid   unnecessary excess    people  away  from  deviance
                      looks  as  they  grow  lust    and disintegration.
                      in your hearts and make
                      you  heedless”.  (Ibid,        Sexuality Education in the
                      Vol. 72: 199)                  Western Societies

                                                     While  sexuality  education  is
                  This Quranic verse, as well        mandatory by law in nearly all
               as the noble Hadiths, demonstrate     the  countries  of  the  European
               that Islam has specific regulations   Union, the content and quality
               regarding  what  is  and  is  not     vary. Every country’s sex education

               permissible to gaze at.               system has defects, but there is
                  It’s  important  to  note  that    a  variation  in  the  outcomes,
               Islam provides useful practical       with some being more serious
               guidance in all aspects of life,      and harmful than others. As a
               including human sexual relations.     result, it is important to take a
               This  is  due  to  the  large         look  at  how  sex  education  is
               concern about human morality,         carried  out  in  some  western

               therefore,  these  topics  are        societies; Such as UK, France
               considered to being part of the       and USA.
               very important Islamic tasks of
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