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               146  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 137-156, Winter 2022

                   1.  United Kingdom                this will lead to the loss of many
               From  September  2020,  the           of their children's innocence.
               Department  of  Education  has           However,  they  justify  this
               made Relationships and Education      by stating that their purpose is
               (RSE) compulsory for all primary      to  help  all  young  people  be
               students and secondary students.      happy, healthy and safe, as well
               Furthermore, beginning in September   as to properly prepare the child
               2020,  all  schools  will  be         to live a positive life in society.

               required to teach Health Education.
               (Government Response, 2020)               2.  France
                  When  this  curriculum  was        Sexual  education  is  mandated
               approved, some parents raised         in  all  French  schools,  with
               their  voices,  and  the  issue  of   curricula  focusing on  biological
               teaching homosexuality in sex         sexual  maturity,  reproduction,
               education lessons caused a great      STD prevention, and contraception
               uproar and many demonstrations        (Baecher et al, 2009)

               by  parents  of  primary  school         The distribution of condoms
               students from various religions       and contraception to teenagers
               and  social  groups,  and  the        in  France  is  based  on  sex
               subject is still open within the      education programs and official
               responsible educational authorities   legislation. In France, national
               between  those  who  insist  on       health  insurance  covers  all

               teaching  these  subjects  and        reproductive  health  services,
               those who refuse because it is        including  condoms,  which  are
               not  appropriate  for  the  student's   freely  distributed  to  anybody
               age, due to many arguing that         under  the  age  of  18,  and
                                                     abortion is legal and free until
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