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               172  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 157-176, Winter 2022

                     5.  The     Appropriate                     •  Controlling the
                         solution to anticipate                      social   media
                         and  preventing  the                        contents  from
                         expansion of radical                        hoaxes.
                         ideology  based  on
                         Religious  ethic point              6.  Islam  is  a  religion
                         of view are:                           of  peace,  which  is
                          •  Understanding the                  prevent and against

                              root  of  radical                 any  kind  of  terror
                              ideology such as                  and vicious activities
                              Wahhabi and other                 in all stages of society.
                              takfiri ideology.           Finally,  some  suggestions
                          •  De-radicalization          for future research are provided.
                              of  Religious             There are number of gaps in

                              radical  follower         our knowledge around research
                              by  using  the            that follow from our findings,
                              previous  terror          and  would  be  benefit  for
                              actor.                    further  research  to  extend
                          •  Propagate  and             the data gathered here:

                              explain      the            •    Research  to  analyze
                              appropriate context            the  relations  between
                              of  verses  and                international     terror

                              Religious traditions           organizations and enemies
                              to all Indonesian              of monotheistic religions;
                                                             especially  Islam  in
                              people and other               state    of   countries
                              countries of the               about  their  program
                              world.                         and strategy.
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