Page 170 - Pure Life 29
P. 170
Disputing Radicalism and Terrorism from … M.Z. Amami et al / (169
Indonesia. Terrorism activity from outside of Indonesia
goes underground and uses by those perpetrators.
social media. This is certainly Moreover, according to
an important concern for both Head of Nahdhatul Ulama
the public and the government (biggest Islamic organization),
to control and supervise Said Agil Siradj, said that
the use of social media. most of the perpetrator in
Indonesia are coming from
Kinds of Terror Action in
Indonesia Wahhabi groups, and this
The following contex is ideology becoming an entering
based on the interview with point for terrorism.
Rudy Laksmono lecturer from At last, by knowing the
university of defense during source of ideology and
the international terrorism organizations linked with the
seminar held by Indonesian perpetrators hopefully the
Embassy in Tehran in 2018. government and society are
Based on the data above able to work together protecting
87% of terror actions in our generation and people
Indonesia during 2000- 2019 around us from those ideology.
were classified as religious Radical Movement in
terrorism, and most of the Indonesia
perpetrator are linked to other Religion in Indonesia regarded
countries such as Afghanistan, as a basic for peaceful and
Philippines, Malaysia, Syria, mindful civilization has changed
and Saudi Arabia and etc. a lot. Religious-majority in
It means that Indonesian Indonesia are now being
terror actions were imported deceived, defeated, and infiltrated