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               168  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 157-176, Winter 2022
                 of  the  examination  of  the          online motorcycle taxi driver.
                 married couple, it was known           He  was  also  suspected  of
                 that  each  person  used  one          being exposed to radicalism.
                 weapon. After the incident,            In  carrying  out  the  action,
                 Detachment  88  arrested  a            RMN  was  assisted  by  two
                 total of 40 suspected terrorists       colleagues to make bombs.
                 during 10 -17  October 2019.           Until November 19 , 2019
                 That  number  included  a              the  police  had  named  30
                 married couple who stabbed             suspects related to the suicide
                 Wiranto.  According  to  the           bombing. This includes three
                 police, the group communicates         people  who  died,  namely
                 in  a  structured,  systematic         RMN and two people who
                 and  intense  manner  through          were arrested in Datar village,
                 social  media.  In  fact,  they        Perak district, Deli Serdang.
                 are also mentioned actively            The suspects consisted of 3
                 using Telegram.                        women  and  24  men.  They

                   7.  Medan           Suicide          have a variety of roles, ranging
                      Bombing Attack                    from treasurers, assemblers
                 Near the end year of 2019,             and  recruiters.  However,
                 Indonesia was again shocked            overall, until 2  December
                 by  the  suicide  bombing.             2019,  Detachment  88  had

                 The  incident  occurred  at            arrested 92 suspected terrorists
                 Medan  police  Headquarters,           after the suicide bombing.
                 North Sumatra, on November               Based on the facts above,
                 13 ,  2019.  The  perpetrators         it can be seen that terrorist
                 are known to initials RMN,             activities  are  still  active
                 whose daily living is as an            and  continue  to  run  in
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