Page 168 - Pure Life 29
P. 168
Disputing Radicalism and Terrorism from … M.Z. Amami et al / (167
5. Kartasura Police Office severe injuries due to its action.
Attack Apart from the perpetrators,
Another suicide bomb explosion there were no other victims.
occurred at Kartasura Police 6. Minister Stabbing
Station, Sukoharjo, Central Former coordinating minister
Java, June 3 , 2019. The for politics, law and security
perpetrator is known as (Menko Polhukam) Wiranto,
having the initials RA and was stabbed by suspected
has a job as a seller of fried terrorists with the initials
foods. Based on police SA aka AR when he arrived
statements, RA has been at the Menes square, Pandeglang
exposed to radicalism. He regency on October 10 ,
is a suspected lone wolf 2019. Not only Wiranto,
terrorist or acting alone. police chief commissioner
According to police, based Daryanto was also stabbed
on a number of items of while securing the perpetrators.
evidence found at his home, According to the police, SA
the bomb used was of the was only a sympathizer of
low explosive type. RA used JAD. SA is known to be
the bomb on his waist while the recruitment of one of
carrying out the action. JAD's central figures, namely
The police stated that RA Abu Zee. However, SA is
was still an amateur. This not included in the network
is because the authorities structure. In carrying out
have not yet found a track the action, the SA even
record of the perpetrators' invited his wife, FA, and
actions. RA also suffered children. From the results