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               46  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 39-71, Winter 2022

                      and  sorcerers  are  wise,            knowledge. The brain is
                      they  were  not  sent  by             a material thing and has
                      God Almighty, and there               no  ability  to  know  the
                      is  no  reason  for  their            abstract  God.  Although
                      words  to  be  confirmed              the mind is abstract, its
                      by God Almighty.                      function is dependent on
                   •  Another objection to Chopra           the brain, and it can not

                      is that perfection, in his            know the Almighty God
                      view,  is  at  a  low  level,         alone, except it can prove
                      and it is not possible to             the existence of God.
                      call  perfection  after  his       •  The exact way of theology

                      seven  stages  a  spiritual           that  happens  in  seven
                      perfection  in  the  strict           stages can not be called
                      sense  of  the  word.                 spiritual perfection in the
                      Although  he  considers               strict sense of the word.

                      each  of  the  mentioned              In the struggle for meta-
                      stages as a journey that              biological  survival,  the
                      has  been  made  by  God              human acquires the divine
                      for  us  and  ends  in                species:

                      complete  purity  and  a              “I am the life force and
                      calm  feeling,  (Chopra,              the  endless  river.  I  am
                      2005a: 80) man’s knowledge            the source and destination
                      of  God  Almighty  is                 that  is  still  going  on

                      biological;  (Ibid:  75)              despite all the obstacles
                      because the human brain               and barriers. I remember
                      and  mind  gain  this                 things  from  my  former
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