Page 122 - Pure Life 30
P. 122

Ethical Considerations of Employment… A. Valenzuela and M. Limba (121

                      “And that He created the        daughters. It provides a charter
                      pairs, the male and the         of  rules  and  regulation  to
                      female.” (Quran, 53: 45)        make  sure  that  women  are

                  Because of this, it is important    protected and respected in every

               to point important factors to be       possible  scenario  in  society.
               considered  in  religious  point       Sex, race, caste, creed, financial
               of view, that will be addressed        status, etc do not in any way
               in this research.                      define  the  greatness  of  a
                                                      person. Both men and women
               Women in Religious Logic               are creatures of Allah almighty
               Islam  regards  the  woman  as         made for worship and servitude.
               an independent, perfect member         Both  have  been  assigned

               of  society  and  places  no           different  roles  and  are  in  no
               difference  between  her  and          way  superior  to  the  other
               the man as far as human virtues        except  on  grounds  such  as
               go. (Misbah Yazdi et al, 1991)         morality. (Saifee et al, 2012)
                  Islam  establishes  true  and          Unlike other religious books,
               complete equality between man          there  is  no  mention  in  the
               and woman, summed up in the            Quran that a woman has been
               Prophet’s saying :                     created  of  some  inferior

                      Women are full sisters          material,  or  that  she  has  any
                      of men. (Khayat, 2003)          parasitic  and  leftist  aspect.

                                                      Islam  does  not  support  the
                  Religion  pays  attention  to
               all  details  regarding  the  role     notion  of  the  people  who
               of  women  in  society,  their         suppose  that  the  spouse  of

               relationship  with  men  as            Adam was created of his left
               mothers,  wives,  sisters,  and        ribs. Islam has no contemptuous
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