Page 126 - Pure Life 30
P. 126

Ethical Considerations of Employment… A. Valenzuela and M. Limba (125

               cloth  making,  or  in  home           market  or  their  farms.  The
               industries  or  other  trades.         prophet did not stop a woman
               Some  women  were  nurses              in  her  iddat  (Waiting  period

               caring for those who were ill          for a woman) from going out
               or  tending  men  injured  in          of  her  house  in  case  of
               battle. (Khayat, 2003)                 necessity.
                  It  is  right  that  earning  a        Jabir  ibn  Abdullah  says
               family's living is an obligatory       husband of my aunt divorced
               deed  of  the  man,  and  that         her  and  when  she  was

               women are not Islamically (as          spending  her  iddat  in  the
               per  Islamic  laws)  responsible       house  she  wanted  to  go
               for this act. Women, however,          outside  of  the  house  to  get
               should  also  have  a  job.  In        some  of  her  date  palms
               Islam,  idleness  is  discredited      harvested and sold. Someone
               and reproached. (Amini, 2002)          halted  her,  saying  that  you
                  Regarding  idleness,  Imam          are  not  allowed  to  go  out  of

               Sadiq is reported to have stated:      the  house  during  iddat.  She
                       “The  Almighty  Allah          went  to  the  Prophet  to
                      hates  too  much  sleep         whether she could go outside
                      and  too  much  rest.”          of  the  house  or  not  and  the
                      (Kulaini, 1987, Vol 5: 84)      Prophet said :
                                                              “You  go  out  and  get
                  Muslim  woman  is  not                     the date trees harvested
               forbidden  to  go  out  of  her               (and  sold)  so  that  you
               home for necessity and she is                 may  be  able  to  do
               even allowed to be employed.                  some other good work.”
               In  the  time  of  the  Prophet,              (Patoari, 2019)
               women  went  out  to  the
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