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               122  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 119-142, Spring 2022

               view  of  woman  in  regard  to        in  men,  while  in  women,
               her nature and innate character.       emotion and affection prevail;
               (Mutahhari, 2015)                      women  are  more  attracted  to
                  Men and women, although             literature, arts, and ornaments,
               having  many  aspects  in              and they love peace, whereas
               common, also possess unique            men  have  more  tendency
               characteristics.   One     such        towards science, thoughtfulness,
               characteristic  is  that  women        and work. (Dehshahri, 2016)
               are  delicate,  beautiful,  and           A  woman  is  an  emotional

               likable  beings.  They  are            being  whose  emotions  are
               charming, attractive, and lovable;     dominant over her logic. She
               whereas  men  are  charmed,            is  naiver  and  more  sensitive
               attracted by and love women's          than  a  man.  She  can  be
               qualities. (Amini, 2002)               deceived more easily and has
                  Man differs from the woman          less control over her emotional
               to  a  large  extent  from  a          desires.  She  cannot  decide

               psychological viewpoint. Women         wisely once she is upset. She
               are normally more emotional,           can be amused or made upset
               while  in  man,  the  intellect        with little effort. (Bani, 2015)
               dominates over the emotions.              Man  is  usually  more
               This  difference  is  directly         aggressive  and  quarrelsome,
               related to their nervous systems.      which qualities do not accord

               (Misbah Yazdi, 1991)                   with motherly sentiments and
                  Men  and  women  differ  in         care. On the contrary, woman
               terms  of  some  physical  and         is    more     convivial    and
               spiritual  features;  rationality      peaceable  in  her  feelings,  in
               and  wisdom  is  predominant           particular, motherly affection
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