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               124  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 119-142, Spring 2022

                      shall  not  be  accepted           There is no prohibition for
                      from them, and they shall       women employment in religion.
                      have a painful punishment”.     Allah says in the holy Quran:
                      (Quran, 5: 36)                         “And do not covet that
                                                             by  which  Allah  has
               Women’s Employment from                       made  some  of  you
               a Religious Perspective                       excel others; men shall

               According to religion, working                have  the  benefit  of
               is  not  a  right  but  a  duty  and          what  they  earn  and
               men  and  women  are  no                      women  shall  have  the
               different  in  this  regard.                  benefit  of  what  they
               Women  must  also  perform                    earn; and ask Allah of
               their  social  duties  and  they              His grace; surely Allah

               are  free  in  choosing  their                knows     all   things”.
               occupation.  However,  taking                 (Quran, 4: 32)
               heed  of  the  special  physical              “...That  I  will  not
               and  spiritual  genesis  of                   waste  the  work  of  a
               women, not all lines of work                  worker among you, whether
               are  consistent  with  their                  male  or  female…”.
               eminence  or  abilities  and                  (Quran, 3: 195)

               other members of the society.
               Women are exquisite, sensitive,           Both man and woman have,
               and beautiful beings. Because          under  Islam,  equal  rights  to
               of  this  exquisiteness  and           take up any profession. During
               beauty, they have much allure          the  lifetime  of  the  Prophet,
               and  influence  with  men.             some  women  worked  in

               (Amini, 2011)                          agriculture, some tended animals,
                                                      or  worked  in  weaving  and
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