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               138  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 119-142, Spring 2022
               attitude. They could perceive          Conclusion
               her  work  as  a  source  of           Based  from  all  the  given
               distress  for  their  family.          details  in  this  research,  we
               (Singh, 2019)                          can  therefore  conclude  that
                  A woman represents various          married  women  are  allowed
               social roles within the family.        to  work  from  a  religious
               The  two  most  important  and         perspective; but are subjected
               fundamental roles are to be a          to  certain  conditions.  They
               mother  and  a  wife.  (Gezova,        are allowed to work but they

               2015: 45-46)                           must     not    neglect    their
                  If  she  failed  to  carry  on      primary  and  most  important
               these responsibilities, her family     duties  as  being  the  servants
               might  collapse.  This  might          of God, wives and mothers.
               cause  for  unwanted  divorce             In religious point of view,
               or  misguided  children  that          procuring  a  livelihood  and
               can ultimately cause problems          supporting  the  family  is  the

               within the society.                    husband’s  obligation  and  a
                                                      wife  can  even  request  for  a
                                                      divorce  if  a  husband  will
                                                      neglect this duty.  A wife is not
                                                      obliged  to  work  and  procure
                                                      the  livelihood  for  the  family
                                                      but she is allowed in case it is

                                                      necessary  or  it  is  not  an
                                                      impediment  on  her  primary
                                                      duties.  She  must  also  obtain

                                                      permission from her husband
                                                      before deciding to work.
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