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               136  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 119-142, Spring 2022
               this  world  will  perish  as          recommended  worships  such
               stated in the holy Quran:              as  reading  Quran  doing  the
                      “Everyone  on  it  must         recommended prayers, fasting
                      pass  away”.  (Quran,           and etc.
                      55: 26)                            At  the  same  time  working
                                                      has  negative  impacts  to
                  This  life  is  only  a  test  for   women  being  a  servant  of
               mankind.  It  is  mentioned  I         God;  it  can  also  affect  other
               the Holy Quran:                        aspects  of  married  woman’s

                      “Who  created  death            life. Workplace exposures have
                      and  life  that  He  may        the potential to interfere with:
                      try  you-  which  of  you           ➢  Male      and     female
                      is best in deeds; and He               hormonal systems
                      is the Mighty, the Forgiving”.      ➢  Women’s menstrual cycle
                      (Quran, 67: 2)
                                                          ➢  Development and function

                  Working  for  a  married                   of sperm and ova
               woman  means  more  tasks  to              ➢  Process of fertilization
               do and this would means that                  and implantation
               there  is  a  possibility  for  her        ➢  Fetal     growth     and
               to have less time for worship                 development

               or  the  worst  case  she  will            ➢  Lactation of process
               neglect  worship.  There  are
               many  forms  of  worship  and             Many workingwomen faced
               there  are  obligatory  and            a lot of ill health during their
               recommended worship; Of course         pregnancy  and  complications
               for those who are not working          during  childbirth  along  with
               there  is  more  time  to  do          ill  health  during  postnatal
                                                      period. (Akhtar et al, 2018)
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