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               134  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 119-142, Spring 2022

               In Islam women are encourages
               in     medical     profession’.               Working mothers have
               (Patoari, 2019)                               to  manage  a  plethora
                  A working mother can have                  of    activities.   They
               positive impacts to children’s                encourage their children
               development  as  well.  Singh                 to  take  responsibility.
               gave  detailed  explanation  in               With     both    parents
               which he said:                                working,  each  family
                      A working mother with                  member  has  to  play  a

                      some        sense      of              more active role. Children
                      accomplishment       and               learn  skills  that  they
                      satisfaction  can  serve               would not learn otherwise.
                      as  a  good  role  model               Raising     independent
                      for her children.                      children  prepares  them
                      Children      can     get              for the real world and
                      inspired to pursue their               inculcates in them sense

                      dreams  and  ambition.                 of responsibility.
                      Mothers who effectively                Working mothers spend
                      manage work and family,                quality  time  with their
                      it develops ethical value              children to compensate
                      towards work into their                for the amount of time
                      children.                              they  do  not  spend

                      They  could  especially                together. Children also
                      help  their  daughters                 look forward to spending
                      break  stereotypes  and                time with their parents.
                      work for whatever they                 They do not  take their
                      wish to accomplish in life.
                                                             mo th e r ’s  attention for granted.
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