Page 147 - Pure Life 30
P. 147
146 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 143-173, Spring 2022
and common features and 1. Perception and Awareness
characteristics can be achieved Perception and awareness as
among all these experiences. a common element are
Perception and awareness, present in all the features of
Exodus from the dimension near-death experiences.
of time and place. All of these characteristics
Feelings of existential unity, indicate the perception of a
encounter with the truth of feeling -positive or negative-
deeds, observation of heaven that is fully perceived by the
and hell, indescribable pleasures, NDE experiencer. Indeed,
and observation of light and every thing that is seen in the
holy existence are among reports of near-death experiences
these characteristics. are the experiencers attempts
to describe these perceptions
NDE from the Perspective and awareness.
of Transcendent Wisdom These perceptions belong
Since near-death experiences either to external and
take place in the realm of the perceptible things, such as
purgatory and the Imaginal observing the body and the
world, all the features that environment, or to things that
the experiencer have reported are not normally felt and
from their experience are observed, such as observing
consistent with the structure light and sacred existence.
and features of the Imaginal Thus, near-death experience
world. In the following, each can be considered a set of
of these features will be consciousnesses .
introduced and explained.