Page 152 - Pure Life 30
P. 152
Characteristics of Near-Death Experiences… R. Salariyan et al (151
of oneness with objects, and a me, and every part of
sense of oneness with heaven me was a part of the
or hell. universe. (Ref: Ibid,
NDE Reports shows that Doug Exprience)
the quality and intensity of ➢ I became one with the
the sense of unity varies from light I was so filled
experience to experience: with a feeling of gratitude
➢ I have seen in my and love that I cried
experience that indeed because I felt that I
we are all one, and was the light and it
that everything is a was my light. I heard
manifestation of the the voice again, We
Creator. We are all are all from the light
sparks trying to find a and we will return to
way back to the light the light. My happiness
[and our source]. was indescribable, my
(Ref: Taylor, 1994, emotions did not control
Betty Eadie Exprience) me and I was one with
➢ The feeling of unity everything. (Ref: Ibid,
and oneness with the (Josiane Antonette Exprience)
whole universe and what
was around me prevailed. Perception Levels
Everything in turn was The feeling of existential
a part of me. (Ref: Ibid, unity in near-death experiences
Mariana Exprience) can be considered as another
effect of reducing the
➢ Every part of the
universe was a part of attachment of the soul to the
body. The process of perception