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               148  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 143-173, Spring 2022

                      sustenance,  rejoicing  in      at   the    same     time    the
                      what  God  has  given           experiencer  sees  and  knows

                      them” indicate  this.           all  the  events  around  him
                      (Sadr  ul-Din  Shirazi,         even  in  the  most  precise
                      2004: 398)                      detail. Even some Experiencer
                                                      Observe  their  own  cardiac
                3.  Exodus from the Dimension         resuscitation by medical staff.
                   of Time and Place                     The  following  are  two
                One of the common features            examples of these experiences :

                in  near-death  experiences  is           ➢  I  could  look  down  at
                Exodus  from  the  dimension                 my body, which was on
                of  time  and  place.  Usually               the  hospital  bed.  I
                leaving  the  dimention  of                  could clearly see people
                place begins with the start of               that rushing and forcing
                experience  of  death.  The                  a  device  on  its  wheels

                experiencer  leaves  his  body               to get to the bottom of
                and  observes  his  corpse.  He              the  bed.  I  knew  very
                feels  that  he  is  out  of  his            well  in  those  moments
                body  and  can  look  at  his                that  this  device  is  an
                body  and  the  environment                  electric  shock.  At  this
                from other angles.                           time  a  priest  entered
                  In some NDE reports, even                  the room and performed

               the  most  accurate  details  of              the  last  rites,  which
               the environment are reported.                 are  usually  performed
               Interestingly, in this case, the              on  the  beds  of  the
               experiencer  usually  does  not               deceased. At this point
               show biotic signs and doctors                 I  moved  down  to  the
               confirm his natural death, but
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