Page 157 - Pure Life 30
P. 157
156 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 143-173, Spring 2022
but the soul itself in the state the presence of knowing
of action and effect. (Araki, forms; thus, any form that is
2004: 71) united with it becomes “it”.
In philosophical terms, the It is not the case that the
union has multiple forms and soul adopts that form or
refers to various meanings. becomes known. It is like
The only accurate assumption semen that turns into a
that can be considered the human, not that the semen
intention of the scholars who contained a human. In other
believe in the union of words, the semen gets
intelligent and intelligible is perfected and actualized through
the union of the existence of substantial motion and the
the intelligent with the human form. (Ibid)
existence of the intelligible. Thus, people with near-
(Salari, 2017: 55) death experiences get more
Thus, Sadr ul-Din Shirazi conscious about existential
considers the union of the union with the sensual
knower with the known an perceptions as they get more
existential union or the union and more detached from
of an existence-giving cause sensory perceptions and approach
with its effect (i.e., the union intellectual ones.
of the real with the delicate) The reports and descriptions
where the effect is the same made by such people confirm
as the cause. He argued that this. Nevertheless, it should
“the soul was imperfect in the be noted that people with
beginning, then it becomes such experiences never achieve
actualized and perfected in ultimate intellectual perception.