Page 168 - Pure Life 30
P. 168

Characteristics of Near-Death Experiences… R. Salariyan et al (167

               greater  union  with  light  is  a     by reducing the attachment of
               confirmation of this.                  the soul to the body.
                                                         In  this  moment,  people
               The Relationship between               find  themselves  united  with
               Pleasure and a Sense of Unity          their  perceptions.  This  union
               The direct relationship between        reflects a person's love, interest,
               the  feeling  of  unity  with  the     and    belonging     to   those

               perception     of   love    and        percpetions.  In  NDE,  as  the
               pleasure can be sought in the          extent  to  which  the  soul
               relationship  between  the  two        belongs to the body decreases,
               concepts  of  knowledge  and           the existential vastness increases
               love.  Love  is  the  result  of       accordingly.  As  a  result,  it
               knowledge  and  is  obtained           leads  to  a  greater  and  deeper

               only  after  perception  and           understanding of the feeling of
               knowledge. (Suhrawardi, 1996,          love and pleasure.
               Vol. 3: 286)                              The interpretations of empiricists
                  In a hadith of Imam Sadiq,          such as 'approaching the light',
               “love  is  considered  as  an          'enlarging the light' and 'being
               implications  of  knowledge”.          drawn into  the arms of light'
               (Majlisi, 1983, Vol. 67: 22)           can  indicate  a  decrease  in

                  So  love  is  not  possible         belonging soul to body and thus
               without perception and knowledge.      increase the feeling of love and pleasure.
               On  the  other  hand,  as                 Therefore,  love  is  the
               mentioned,  the  feeling  of           Result  of  knowledge  and
               unity  is  indeed  the  truth  of      existential  unity  and  has  a
               knowledge  and  perception  in         direct  relationship  with  it.  In

               purgatory, which is manifested         contrast, the feeling of hatred
               in  the  near-death  experience
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