Page 166 - Pure Life 30
P. 166
Characteristics of Near-Death Experiences… R. Salariyan et al (165
include one’s jubilation concerning Thus, according to Sadr ul-Din
an agreeable entity whether Shirazi, the perfection of all
rational or sensory, actual or humans is directly related to
illusory. The Necessary Being the level of Divine love they
(God) is more than anything receive.
agreeable to everything due
to being the most beautiful of The Effect of Sensual Beloves
all. Thus, all creatures love on the Difficulty of Death
Him. (Sadr ul-Din Shirazi, According to whether human
2011: 292) beloved are of the divine or
Sadr ul-Din Shirazi believed sensual type, their perfection
that the Divine Essence was or imperfection is determined.
the real beloved and that all If it is sensual, it is polytheism,
creatures were enthusiastic to and if it is divine, it is
achieve perfection. (Ibid, 1989: 148) perfection. At the time of death,
Sadr ul-Din Shirazi divided everything that is imperfect
love into the love of oneself must be separated from man.
and the love of God. He Therefore, since the sensual
considered any form of sensual and non-divine loved ones
love a sort of polytheism and are all mortal, they are all
believed that human perfection taken from man at death,
depends on benefiting from while love for them remains.
Divine love. According to him, There is the love but it is not
all humans achieve a degree beloved, that is, the existence
of perfection proportionate to of love and the lack beloved
the love they receive. (Farzi, of to it, imposes pressure on
2017: 113) the lover which is very hard
and painful.