Page 167 - Pure Life 30
P. 167
166 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 143-173, Spring 2022
Like an addicted person ➢ “You are with the one
who is addicted and interested you love most”. (Ibid: 79)
in drugs but does not have ➢ “One will be with those
access to them. The man's whom he loves”. (Ibid: 126)
addiction to this world and
forgetting his truth and the The Effect of Divine Beloves
Hereafter is such that when on the Pleasure of Death
he leaves, 'beloveds' is taken The divine loves, unlike the
away from him; but 'belonging' sensual loves, all remain.
remains. (Javadi Amoli, 2018: 217) These are divine perfections
These interests and loves and accompany man after
are the voluntary attachments death. Here, both love and
of human beings that their belove remain. Therefore, after
gradual separation at the death and by reducing the
moment of death is from the belonging of the soul, these
intoxication of death and part affections are perceived as
of the torment of purgatory pleasure and love at a higher
that purifies the human soul. level.
According to what was As these loves and affections
mentioned, the importance of intensify in the world, they
love and hatred and the will be accompanied by greater
special attention of Islam to and deeper joy at the time of
them becomes clear. death and near-death experience;
Some traditions in this regard: Because the level of unity
➢ “The religion is nothing will be more intense. The
but love and hatred”. confession of the experiencers
(Kuleini, 2008, Vol. 2: 125) that love and pleasure
increase with closeness and