Page 170 - Pure Life 30
P. 170

Characteristics of Near-Death Experiences… R. Salariyan et al (169

               perceived     by    the    soul.          In the view of transcendent
               Therefore, the survival of the         wisdom,  heaven  and  hell  are
               soul is a reason for the power         the  truth  of  human  actions

               of survival of human cognition         and beliefs, which are perceived
               and perception even after death .      to some extent at the time of
                  Exodus from the dimension           death and by the reduction of
               of time and place in near-death        the soul's belonging to the body.
               experiences can be considered             Mulla Sadra considers reward
               as  due  to  the  Lack  of  'time'     and  punishment  as  the  result

               and  'place'  in  the  imaginal        of human action. According to
               world and Purgatory world .            philosophers,  there  are  three
                  The  sense  of  unity  of  the      levels  of  heaven  and  hell.
               expriencers  is  due  to  the          Actions, attributes and essence,
               approach to a higher level of          which  are  realized  according
               perception due to the reduction        to  the  degree  of  voluntary
               of the attachment of the soul          severance of human beings .

               to the body. Mulla Sadra states           Indescribable pleasures in NDE
               four  levels  for  perception.         can be attributed to union with
               Sensory,  imaginary,  illusory,        divine  beloves,  and  severe
               and intellectual, that Rational        torments  can  be  attributed  to
               perception is the highest level        union with sensual beloves in
               of  perception.  At  this  level       the imaginal world.

               the perceiver and the perceived           Mulla  Sadra  divides  love
               coincide  according  to  the           into  two  categories:  love  of
               theory of union of intelligent         God and love of oneself, and
               and intelligible.                      knows the perfection of each
                                                      person to the extent of divine
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