Page 177 - Pure Life 30
P. 177
176 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 175-202, Spring 2022
Introduction according to their positions
Exploring the philosophical- and relations, and even in at a
theological foundations and higher level, due to border
depth of historical phenomena, and geographical commonalities
when confronted with the and military necessities in the
negative approaches of a defense of each other's rights,
civilization or society, doubles they form union and
the sensitivity of the issue in Consortium, For example:
terms of interactions based on The United Nations, The
the will of nations and can Non-Aligned Movement, The
sometimes even lead to the Arab League, The Organisation
decline of relations between of Islamic Cooperation, The
countries; In the country of Commonwealth of Nations,
America, for example, citizens The European Union, Member
of Iran or some other States of NATO, The Australia
countries are not granted and New Zealand and America
visas to attend conferences, Security Treaty (ANZUS), etc.
scientific festivals, or international There is a more complex
competitions in the destination aspect to the issue, which is
country . due to the widespread wars
In such a situation, and by that have turned the contemporary
researching the historical studies ecosystem into an tense and
of the world, it is observed unsafe environment that it
that some countries develop causes us to turn away from
relations due to the connections divine mercy and deprive
or interests that have been ourselves of success and
created at the level of their suffer divine punishment.
leaders and elites, or (Javadi Amoli, 2021, Vol. 5: 461)