Page 181 - Pure Life 30
P. 181
180 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 175-202, Spring 2022
Accordingly, the happiness country of America during
of humans beings and human the “JCPA” Agreement. (Ref:
societies on the truth front is Badra, 2019: The Observatory
the opposite of destruction on Negotiation Pattern with an
the void front, which can be Analytical-Critical Look at
seen in the chart above with the Philosophy of Negotiation
fuzzy logic. The void front and Its Approaches)
does not adhere to the
obligations and considers the The Performance of the
commitment to the obligations West and its followers in
as a tool issue. In a Contemporary History
theological-jurisprudential The West in this article, does
category of the violators of not mean European countries;
the covenant and those who Rather, it is an idea that
do not adhere to their historically seeks to dominate
obligation, anyone who is not man and human society in the
trusted is considered an idiot. form of modernism and
(Tabatabai, 2007, Vol. 7: 299) hegemony; Therefore, the main
Regarding the obvious question is whether the
violation of international totality of the actions taken
obligations, can mention the was in the direction of
violation of the treaty between goodness and happiness or did
the Western countries and the it lead to the destruction of
humans life and human societies ?