Page 182 - Pure Life 30
P. 182
Chronicle of the Hundred Historical Events in … M.Sh. Badra / (181
Table 1: A Look at the Western Performance in Contemporary
History (By Chronological Priority)
Row Title Description
America (1846-1848)
1 Invasion of Signing of the Guadeloupe Hidalgo Treaty between the Two
Mexico Countries and the Transfer of Half of Mexico to the America
The American Civil War between the Northern States and 11
2 Separation Southern States with the Victims of about 850 Thousand People
Result: The Dissolution of the Confederate States of
America and the Abolition of Slavery
Battle of
Hampton The American Civil War by the Confederate States of
3 Roads America with the Aim of Removing Cities from the States
(Ironclads) of America Siege with Victims of about 400 People
Result: The Victory of the Confederate States of America
4 Famine (First Famine, Drought and Cholera in Iran with the Management
Period) of the UK Government alongside the Incompetence of the
Qajar Monarchy with the Victims of about 1.5 Million People
The American
5 Indian Massacre of Women, Children and Indians by the Seventh
Genocide Cavalry Battalion at a wounded knee in South Dakota and awarded
them with a Medal of Bravery with more than 400 People Victims
6 Spanish– Victims of about 18 Thousand People
American Result: Spain Relinquishes its Sovereignty over Cuba, Puerto Rico,
Guam and the Philippines in Exchange for Receiving $ 20 Million
7 Boer Wars UK Invasion against the South Africa with Victims about 10
Thousand People
8 Genoczide in Massacre of the Herero and Nama Tribesmen by the
Namibia German Army with Victims of about 100 Thousand People
Tangier Crisis (1905-1906)
9 (First Moroccan Conflict between the German Empire and the Third French
Crisis) Republic over Dominance of Morocco
Occupation of Bosnia (Belongs to the Ottoman Empire) by
10 Bosnian Crisis Austria-Hungary and Bulgarian Independence from the Ottomans
Result: Issuance of the Berlin Treaty
1. According to the Report of the French Philosopher and Author Roger Garaudy in his Book,
White Americans Killed more than 60 Million American Native Indian between 1700 and
1900s, in accordance with a Targeted Plan of Land Acquisition. (Garaudy, 2000)