Page 178 - Pure Life 30
P. 178
Chronicle of the Hundred Historical Events in… M.Sh. Badra / (177
In such a situation, which of happiness or the destruction
became known as the “Cold of humans life and human
War” period after the end of societies, refers to the confrontation
the world wars and has of the two currents.
changed to a “Soft War” to It is necessary to state that
this day, the domination the purpose explained is due
system still seeks colonization to the integration of politics
based on the capital accumulation in religion:
in the form of “Neo-Colonialism” Islam is the religion of
and “Post Neo-Colonialism”; politics in all its aspects
Therefore, by supporting extremist and this is clear to
currents; Such as “Takfiri” anyone who ponders its
and substantial changes in governmental, political,
gender composition or other social and economic
aspects of the real world, they “Ahkam”. (Imam Khomeini,
achieve their goals; a category 2014. Vol. 1: 424)
that is investigated in the
present study with fuzzy logic. On the other hand, rooting
the continuous current with
A Fuzzy Approach to the the contradiction of truth and
Humans Life and Human void is the deepest chain of
Societies recognizing the happiness or
The explained path represents destruction of humans life
two reciprocal currents that and human societies that is
are interpreted as truth and created between the parties;
void in religious culture and Especially if this front of
literature; Therefore, emphasizing truth and void is depicted as
and focusing on the function oppressed and oppressive from