Page 43 - Pure Life 30
P. 43
42 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 27-50, Spring 2022
To believe and have faith Can natural laws cause an
in the creator is not like accident? If so, then is the
believing in some mysterious existence of God necessary?
and secret facts or like Why the life and the world do
visualization of creator such have good relations and are
as what Michelangelo has coordinated with each other?
drawn in his works. Also, other topics such as:
In all religions, there are from evolution to creation of
many facts to describe God human, human like beings
and creatures, and the new miracle, summary of natural
scientific findings and discoveries laws, spiritual theology, no
can help people to better contest between God and
understand those facts. universe, universe is not
At the end, Kung admires Godless (Atheism) and God
John Templeton for his effort is not identified by universe
to strengthen the relation (Pantheism).
between the religion and science
more that what others did. Creation and Beginning
of Human Being
Life in Universe There is about 8000 kilometers
The fourth chapter continues distance between Australia
with questions; questions about and Africa via sea, but in
life, what is life and how far about 2 milliard years ago
will it go? Are we alone in they both were in one single
this universe or are there continent.
others in it? How did the life According to the geological
begin and what is its carrier? researches, Africa is the
Was it an accident or a necessity? oldest land in earth and