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               44  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 27-50, Spring 2022
               being  has  a  certain  logical           Finally  the  question  about
               capacity  which  forms  his            the  beginning  of  everything
               correlations.                          includes  the  area  of morality
                  Aristotle, in distinguishing        as well, questions like: where
               between  human  and  animal,           do  the  special  moral  values
               describes  human  as  speaking         stand,  and  Where  should  the
               animal who also lives socially,        norms  and  standards  come
               he  emphasized  that  it  is           from?
               human’s  ego  which  makes                It  is  only  human  that

               decisions, and etc.                    possess the morality. Kemperman,
                  Today,  theology  describes         a German physician, says that
               human with two realms: spirit          the norms and morals do not
               and body; many psychologists           come  from  the  biological
               and researchers have described         capacity of human.
               the  spirit  with  different              Kung  also  talks  about  the
               words; but what is certain to          end  of  universe  in  the  last

               all  is  that  spirit  is  not  brain   pages  of  his  book;  physical
               but  is  the  real  personality        theories,  forecasts  from  holy
               which  breathes,  experiments,         book,  disastrous  ending,  and
               feels,  thinks,  wills,  suffers,      finally  resting  and  returning
               becomes happy, and is active:          to the light.
               I  or  self  is  the  real  truth;

               Although  the  psychologists
               still  insist  that  the  source  of
               any activity is basically from
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