Page 44 - Pure Life 30
P. 44

Analyzing the Viewpoint of Compatibility… H. Rezania Shirazi / (43

               nowhere  else  is  as  old  as         published  their  findings  with
               Africa, also researches believe        great delicacy.
               that Africa is the land where

               traces  of  early  humans  have        The First Trace of Religion
               been  observed,  and  therefore        The natural early humans and
               Africa is the best place for a         today’s  civilized  people  are
               researcher who wants to work           not opposite to each other, in
               on the beginning of human life.        fact  people  who  lived  in
                  Hans  Kung  observes  and           Africa-Australia  had  some

               reflects the ideas and theories        civilization  as  well  even
               about the beginning of human,          without knowing how to write,
               physical  human  and  not  the         or  having  the  knowledge  or
               truth  of  human  in  the  fifth       technology     of    it.   Their
               chapter;  did  the  early  human       thoughts were logical, acceptable,
               exist  in  6  billion  years  ago?     wise, formed as for grouping
               Does the finding of researches         things  and  relations  and  it

               about DNA which shows life             was  so  specially  in  the
               of  African-Australian  people         Australian culture.
               in  5  million  years  ago  prove         By  studying  their  history,
               the above?                             we  find  out  that  they  had
                  Some      of    the    latest       civilization  with  even  some
               discoveries  reveal  that  the         traces of religion in it.

               early humans were in Africa-           Humans from Psychological
               Australia,  which  was  one            Point of Viewpoint
               single  land,  Schrenk  and  a         In classical European philosophy
               research group of Paleontologist       which started from Greece, it
               confirmed  the  above  and             has been said that the human
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