Page 46 - Pure Life 30
P. 46

Analyzing the Viewpoint of Compatibility… H. Rezania Shirazi / (45

               Conclusion                             for a new theory.

               It  seems  like  even  though             On  the  other  hand,   with
               Hans Kung   and other grand            today’s tools for science, the
               philosophers  are  Christian           religion can never be rejected
               believers,  the  have  always          as  it  is  presumed  from
               tried  to  optimize  the  relation     author’s words.
               between  religion  and  science           Some thinkers have mentioned
               and  their  ideas  have  been          that experimentally supporting

               mentioned  in  different  books        theology  is  impossible.    Ian
               as well as the above book.             Barbour  says  that  some
                  It should be mentioned that         efforts  have  been  made  to
               the  contrast  between  science        find  ways  to  make  the  logic
               and  religion  is  one  of  the        of religion similar to the ones
               subjects  that  most  religious        for  science,  like  preparation
               thinkers consider it, and people       of  suitable  information  for

               like  Kung  have  entered  in          theology. (Ref: Graeme, 1971)
               this  field.    Every  once  in  a        In another words, development
               while a theory is presented in         of science has some influence
               different fields of science and        on  understanding  the  theism
               after a while it will either be        and religion views of life and
               accepted as a law or it will be        nature.

               put  aside  by  another  theory;          Because of some progresses
               while all religions try to obey        in philosophy, it was observed
               the  laws  given  from  one            that  science  itself  is  a  lot
               source only, and since there is        more  complicated  than  what
               no messenger for science, then         positivists thought.
               mankind  is  always  waiting
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