Page 76 - Pure Life 30
P. 76

The Nature of Religious Language… M. Mousavi Karimi and H. Tehrani Haeri / (75

               Quran.  The  verse,  however,                 No  leaf  drops  from  a
               states that:                                  tree     without      the
                      Every     day    He    is              predestination       and

                      (engaged)  in  some                    ordainment  of  that
                      affair. (Quran, 55: 29)                Ruler     of    Fortune.
                                                             (Rumi, 2013, 1899, Vol. 3)
                  The  apparent  meaning  of
               the  verse  is  not  compatible           Some of the most difficult
               with  theological  doctrines  of       and  controversial  topics  of

               Abrahamic religions according          theology are related to God’s
               to  which  God  is  immutable          infallible   and     changeless
               and changeless.                        foreknowledge       about    the
                  Indeed, if the Arabic word          material    world     and     its
               “yom”  means  instant,  then           particular events. One problem
               the  verse  says  that  at  every      is     that    having      such

               instant  God  is  (engaged)  in        knowledge apparently implies
               some affair.                           assuming  some  changes  in
                  At any rate, the question of        God’s  attributes,  i.e.,  His
               as  to  how  this  apparent            knowledge.  For  the  world  is
               meaning  of  the  verse  is            continuously changing and so
               compatible with the Abrahamic          it  seems  that  knowledge
               doctrines  is  not  the  issue  of     about  such  world  should

               this paper; Rather the point is        continuously change too.
               that  Rumi  has  taken  the               However,  as  we  have
               apparent  meaning  of  the             mentioned  already,  God  and
               verse and has not interpreted          all His attributes are presumably
               it differently mystically or any       changeless and immutable.
               form alike.
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