Page 79 - Pure Life 30
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               78  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 51-89, Spring 2022
                      will  say,  “Our  Lord,             ➢  Inasmuch as the eye of
                      perfect for us our light               Adam saw by means of
                      and      forgive     us.”              the  Pure  Light,  the
                      (Quran, 66: 8)                         soul and in most sense
                                                             of  the  names  became
                  According to these verses,                 evident  to  him.  (Rumi,
               the light Faithfull people will               2013, 1245, Vol. 1)
               move swiftly before them and               ➢   Since     the    angels
               on their right.                               perceived  in  him  the

                  Rumi  says  that  Divine                   rays  of  God,  they  fell
               light  is  the  source  of  other             in worship and hastened
               lights,  and  this  light  is                 to  do  homage. (Ref:

               manifested by His servants in                 Ibid, 1247, Vol. 1)
               lower levels.
                  It is true that the real cause         In  the  second  volume  of

               and  the  actual  source  of  the      “Masnavi”,  Rumi  repeats  his
               light  is  God;  however,  it  is      view  according  to  which  the
               also  true  that  humans  as  the      true real light is Divine light,
               weak  exemplars  of  this  light       which  has  been  deposited  in
               are  similar  to  God  in              prophets’  mold  and  they
               luminosity.  Hence,  “light”  is       reflect it as mirrors. Then, at the
               not  equivocal  between  God           next  level,  saints  and  friends

               and  humans.  Since  this  light       of God play the same role:
               has  a  divine  nature,  it  gives         ➢  That     splendour     of
               such  a  position  to  humans                 lightning  which  shone
               that they are able to know the                over the spirits, so that
               mysteries  of  “names”  and
               deserve to be prostrated by angels:
                                                      1. Ref: Quran, 2: 34.
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