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               146  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 145-181, Summer 2022

               Introduction                              To that effect, reviewing
               To have a better understanding         the  views  of  the  Imam
               of  the  worldview  and  the           Khomeini  as  the ideologue
               ideology of the Shia clergy,           and  the  founder  of  the

               it  would  be  helpful  to             Islamic  Revolution  which
               discuss its religious principles.      he went on to lead takes up
               Islam,  particularly  its  Shia        added  significance.  From
               faith, envisages a broad-based         his view, the final objective

               and extensive spectrum for             of  human  being  is  to  have
               its instructions about everyday        meaning  in  the  life  and
               affairs  of  human  life.  That        finally  to  perfect  its  soul.

               stands  exactly  opposite  to          To  reach  such  a  degree  of
               the viewpoint limiting religion        perfection, humanity is facing
               and faith to liturgy.                  both  internal  and  external

                  In  other  words,  the  Shia        barriers. By internal barriers,
               faith encompasses all aspects          the  Imam  meant  carnal
               of mundane and otherworldly            desires  and  seductions  and

               life including political, social,      by external barriers he meant
               economic and cultural affairs.         submission to tyrannical and
               Popular      uprisings      and        usurping       powers       and
               attempts for the establishment         governments.

               of     Shia      governments              In the religious ideology,
               throughout different periods           refusal to compromise with
               of  history  of  Shiism  are  a        theocracy  is  a  model

               product of such a worldview.           manifested  in  the  Islamic
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