Page 152 - Pure Life 31
P. 152

Model of Government-Clergy Interaction… M. Fahami and F. Pourkeyvan (151

               stages of the Revolution are              except  doctors.  (Ibid,
               interesting:                              Vol. 15: 21)

                  -  Agreement  with  the                -  The  clergy  is  the
                  clergy  means  agreement               symbol  of  Islam  and  its

                  with Islam. (Imam Khomeini,            propeller. (Ibid, Vol. 18: 13)
                  1999, Vol. 7: 468)
                  - Islam minus the clergy               The  Imam  Khomeini's
                  amounts       to    treason.        description of the clergy as

                  (Ibid: 486)                         the  criterion  of  Islam  is
                  -  The  clergy  is  an              originally  born  out  of  his
                  unrivalled  phenomenon              view  of  the  nature  of

                  in  safeguarding  Islam.            human  being.  For  him,
                  The     clergy      is   the        human  being  is  unreliable
                  standard-bearer  of  Islam          per  se  as  he  lacks  any

                  for  this  nation.  (Ibid,          intrinsic force to control his
                  Vol. 8: 44)                         desires  unless  he  feels
                  - The clergy is a national          constrained      by     Islamic

                  asset. (Ibid, Vol. 11: 462)         instructions. The closer humans
                  -  Islam  without  the              are  to  the  focal  point  of
                  clergy  is  like  a  country        sources  of  law,  the  more
                  without  doctors.  (Ibid,           their  knowledge  of  its

                  Vol. 14: 190)                       implementation  will  be.
                  -  Islam,  except  the              Therefore,  he  draws  a
                  clergy,  is  like  medicine,        parallel between Islam-clergy
                                                      and medicine-doctor relations.
                                                      In  Imam  Khomeini's  view,
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