Page 150 - Pure Life 31
P. 150

Model of Government-Clergy Interaction… M. Fahami and F. Pourkeyvan (149

               and      other     forms      of           the objective of training
               government:                                human beings to become

                   There is a big difference              what  they  are  supposed
                   between  all  regimes  in              to  be.  (Imam  Khomeini,

                   the  world  and  a  divine             1999, Vol. 11: 449)
                   regime  which  follows
                                                          5.  Clergy
                   divine  laws;  the  big            A review of the start of the
                   difference  is  that  even         Imam Khomeini movement

                   just and competent regimes         and  its  persistence  until
                   are  limited  by  natural          victory would give a better
                   boundaries.  Nowhere  in           image  of  his  view  of  the

                   the world can you find a           clergy.  The  Imam's  reform
                   regime  that  seeks  to            movement was triggered in
                   purify the people's souls;         response  to  a  progressive

                   they  had  nothing  to  do         trend  which  was  breaking
                   with     that.     [Other]         the law in a frenzied manner.
                   governments have sought            What  infuriates  him  more

                   to prevent disorder, they          than  anything  else  was  the
                   take  no  action  against          regime's disregard of scholars
                   anything done in private           and hostile treatment meted
                   as  people  are  free  in          out to them. The Imam had

                   private; but they are not          said that in case the regime
                   allowed to come out and            honored  Islamic  law  or  at
                   cause chaos. Only divine           least  the  Constitution  it

                   governments have pursued
                                                      would  have  the  support  of
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