Page 148 - Pure Life 31
P. 148

Model of Government-Clergy Interaction… M. Fahami and F. Pourkeyvan (147

               Revolution  which  was  one            he has instincts; and in the
               of the leading political and           third layer, human is eligible

               social events of the second            for perfectionism, which is
               half  of  the  20th  century.          reserved to humans. Due to

               This  event  occurred  in  a           his perfectionist nature, human
               period  of  human  history             is  never  content  with  any
               against  the  backdrop  of             amount      and     level     of
               some intellectuals' perception         enjoyment. Therefore, if human

               of religion as the opium of            is  abandoned  to  his  own
               masses and their belief that           fate, he will not be content
               religion     had     lost    its       with  any  limits,  as  is  the

               efficacy  for  the  new  era.          case  with  animals.  Human
               (Ref: Bashirieh, 2021, Vol. 1)         is  an  insatiable  animal
                                                      unless  his  soul  bows  to
               Theoretical  Foundations               divine  law  and  be  led  by
               of Research                            heavenly  guidance.  In  his
                   1.  Human Being
               Human  is  a  being  very              words  on  philosophy,  the

               similar  to  beings  in  his           Imam  Khomeini  has  an
               surroundings  in  terms  of            eloquent expression of human
               features and particulars. To           life. (Ref:  Imam  Khomeini,

               that  effect,  human  life  is         2002, Vol. 3: 365-366)
               divided into three layers: in              2.  Religion
               the first layer human is fed           This     is   where      divine
               and grows like plants; in the          revelations, heavenly laws and

               second  layer,  like  animals          the presence of prophets and
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