Page 246 - Pure Life 31
P. 246

The Effect of Public Service and Leadership on… K. Kuswanto et al / (245

               community  participation  in           Conclusion
               giving  meaning  to  life  and         Based  on  the  results  of  the

               villages development.                  analysis and discussion that
                  The results of Horlings et          has been carried out, it can

               al  (2018)  research  also             be concluded that the public
               confirm       that    effective        services  provided  by  the
               leadership      will     reflect       village  apparatus  greatly
               togetherness  and  the  spirit         affect     the      level     of

               of  collaboration  so  as  to          community  participation  in
               form  better  performance.             giving  meaning  to  life  and
               The strong will of leaders to          villages  development.  The

               realize  good  governance              leadership  shown  by  the
               and  supported  by  citizen            village  government  also
               participation  is  the  key  to        significantly        influences

               successful transformation in           community  participation  in
               people's      lives.    (Muñiz         giving  meaning  to  life  and
               Martínez, 2019)                        villages         development.

                  Thus,  encouragement  is            Simultaneously,  if  public
               needed  to  raise  public              services  are  supported  by
               awareness  to  participate             good  leadership,  it  will
               even  with  a  mobilization            further  increase  community

               pattern  where  participation          participation      in    giving
               is carried out on the basis of         meaning to life and villages
               encouragement and influence            development.

               from others. (Rahmawati, 2016)
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