Page 242 - Pure Life 31
P. 242

The Effect of Public Service and Leadership on… K. Kuswanto et al / (241

                  Based on Table 5, the X1            written  in  the  following
               coefficient value is positive          equation:

               at  0.536,  indicating  that  if         = -3,723+1,124   1+0,602   2+e
               public  services  increase  by

               one  unit,  it  will  increase            Based  on  the  value  of  R
               community  participation  in           Square (0.26), the model is
               giving  meaning  to  life  and         classified  as  weak  as  a
               village  development  by               predictor  of  the  effect  of

               0.536  units.  The  value  of          public        service       and
               the    X2      coefficient    is       leadership     variables     on
               positive  at  0.288,  meaning          community  participation  in

               that     if     the     village        giving  meaning  to  life  and
               government leadership variable         villages  development.  This
               increases by one unit, it will         is  because  there  are  many

               increase community participation       other  variables  that  affect
               in  giving  meaning  to  life          community  participation  in
               and village development by             giving  meaning  to  life  and

               0.288     units.    The     two        villages  development  that
               independent  variables  have           have  not  been  included  in
               a  statistically  significant          the  model.  Besides  that,  in
               effect  on  the  dependent             general,  cross  section  data

               variable  either  partially  or        has  a  small  coefficient  of
               simultaneously  at  an  error          determination  compared  to
               rate     of      5     percent,        time  series  data  because

               mathematically  it  can  be            each observation has a large
                                                      variation. (Ghazali, 2013)
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