Page 243 - Pure Life 31
P. 243
242 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 231-250, Summer 2022
5. The Influence of services provided by the
Public Services on village government to the
Community Participation community are still very
Good quality public services minimal so these services
is a community need to have little effect on
participate in every development community participation in
movement in the village. village development. Therefore,
Public services are basically it is necessary to socialize
present to answer the unrest with the community about
experienced by the various interests in the
community due to the population that must be
services provided by fulfilled and supported by
government officials. Quality good services in facilitating it.
public services will make it As the findings of
easier for the community to Ibrahim et al (2020) in their
participate and obtain their research explain; if services
rights. Therefore, good are managed well, it will
management will directly increase community participation
affect the quality of service. in giving meaning to life
The findings in this study and villages development.
indicate that public services The same thing was also
provided to the community revealed by Baharuddin (2019)
do not encourage their in his research in the
participation in village Sirongo Folaraha village, if
development. This is the administrative services
understandable because the