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               244  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 231-250, Summer 2022

               invite,  move,  and  give  a              The  village  head  is  a
               positive  influence  through           leader  in  community  life
               the power he gains over his            who  acts  as  a  driver,
               subordinates.                          controller  and  person  in

                  The findings in this study          charge     of     development
               indicate  that  the  leadership        programs.      A     leadership
               of  the  village  head  has  a         actor  who  has  the  strength
               positive     and    significant        and skills will be influential

               influence on giving meaning            in perfecting the collaboration
               to  life  and  community               agenda  that  is  built  in  the
               participation  in  villages            midst  of  people's  lives;

               development.  The  positive            (Valkama  et  al,  2019)  So
               influence  shown  by  the              that  if  the  development
               leadership  of  the  village           program      provides     great

               head  on  giving  meaning  to          benefits for people's lives, it
               life    and     and     village        will  mobilize  community
               community         participation        awareness        in      giving

               indicates  a  good  form  of           meaning to life and villages
               leadership  played  by  the            development. These findings
               village  head  in  running             are    supported      by     the
               village  government  so  that          findings  of  Rahmannuddin

               it  becomes  a  driving  force         and  Sumardjo  (2018)  in
               for community participation            their      research      which
               in village development.                explains that leadership has

                                                      a     positive     effect    on
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