Page 40 - Pure Life 31
P. 40

Proofs of the Obedience and… Kh. Ahmadi Bighash / (39

                  to  the  obedience  of  God            Also in the verse: “So take
                  and  then  mentions  the            what  the  Messenger  gives

                  unconditional  obedience            you, and refrain from what
                  of the Holy Prophets and            he prohibits  you”, (Quran,

                  stated  at  the  end  of  the       59: 7) this verse talks generally
                  verse: “That ye may receive         and  is  not  revealed  for  a
                  mercy”, that refers to the          specific  case.  All  the
                  expediency  of  obeying             benefits are handed over to

                  God  and  the  Prophet.             the  Prophets,  so  all  must
                  And  in  general,  divine           follow  his  commandments,
                  grace  is  granted  to  a           and     stand     before     his

                  Muslim man when obeying             prohibitions.  Tabarsi, 2000,
                  God  and  the  Prophet,             Vol. 4: 123)
                  otherwise he will receive              So  all  the  Prophet's

                  God’s wrath. (Tabatabai,            commandments                 are
                  2004, Vol. 15: 157)                 unconditionally  obliged  to
                                                      be  obeyed.  At  the  end  of
                  Tabari     said     in    the       the  verse,  God  threatened

               commentary  of  the  above             those  who  opposed  the
               verse:                                 Prophet's commandments with
                  And obey the Messenger              severe retribution: And fear

                  of  Allah”  means  obey             Allah, and know that Allah
                  whatever the Prophets of            is  strict  in  punishment”.
                  God says, and stop doing            (Tabatabai,  1996,  Vol.  19:

                  whatsoever he may prohibit.         204)
                  (Tabari, 1991, Vol. 18: 123)
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