Page 38 - Pure Life 31
P. 38
Proofs of the Obedience and… Kh. Ahmadi Bighash / (37
otherwise they won’t be has surely Become
believer: involved in an evident
- “No, by your Creator astray”. (Quran, 33: 36)
and Nurturer! They Will
not be considered believers, In these verses, the
unless They accept you Almighty God reminds the
as their judge in all that believers that none of the
They dispute among believers shouldn’t disagree
themselves; and [Also] if with the commandment of
they do not find in their God and the apostle, and
souls Any resistance whoever rebels against the
against what you Decide, commandment of God and
and submit] themselves the apostle is surely misled.
[with Total submission] Sometimes God also declares
to your judgement”. the Prophet's commandments
(Quran, 4: 65) completely and unconditionally
- “When a matter has been to be fulfilled, for example:
resolved for a Believing “So take what the
man or woman by Allah Messenger gives you,
and His Messenger, they and refrain from what he
are not supposed to prohibits you”. (Quran,
prefer their own choice 59: 7)
about that Decision and Almighty God has stated
whoever disobeys Allah the philosophy of absolute
and His Messenger he obedience to the commands