Page 46 - Pure Life 31
P. 46

Proofs of the Obedience and… Kh. Ahmadi Bighash / (45

                  against  God.  (Nasa'i,             The Proofs of the Prohibited
                  2013: 666)                          Opposition to the Prophets

                                                          1.  Evidence of Quran and
                  Muslem  stated  in  his                    Ahadin
               book “Sahih”:                          The  Almighty  God  has

                  When  I  command  you               repeatedly  forbidden  the
                  something        in     your        Muslims in the Holy Quran
                  religion, you must take it.         from opposing the Prophet's

                  (Ref: Ibn Hajjaj Naysaburi,         commandments,  and  has
                  2014: 894-896)                      called the ideological basis

                                                      of  persecution  as  a  severe
                  Again he quoted another
               hadith  from  Abu  Hurairah            punishment. Sometimes the
               that the Prophet said:                 harassment  of  the  Prophet
                  whatever I detain you stop          is directly mentioned in the

                  doing  it  and  whatever  I         Quran  and  is  prohibited:
                  command  you,  do  it               (Ref: Quran, 33: 53)
                  without  any  question,                “But  those  who  molest

                  since  there  were  many               the  Messenger  will  have
                  nations  before  you,  who             a grievous chastisement”.
                  were  destroyed  due  to               (Quran, 9: 61)

                  their  many  questions.                Sometimes the Almighty
                  (Ibid: 894)                         God considers the Prophet's

                                                      harassment  as  His  own

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